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Tuesday 29 September 2015 Filed in: General

Choosing to have your container lined is a worthwhile investment for many of our clients - it is THE most effective way to eliminate condensation problems inside storage containers, and for containers converted for occupancy, lining is an essential comfort. Lined containers provide excellent insulation against noise, heat, cold, and also look good! Choose from Plywood or Melamine Linings

Ply Lining

For storage containers, ply lining is recommended - different plywood options are available for all sizes of container. Rockwool insulating material is packed behind the ply boards, which are fitted into a timber frame, and attached to the container ceiling and walls. This cure all for condensation is ideal if you are storing household items, fabrics, cardboard, animal feed, or liquids. For full details read our in depth article, Ply Lined Containers.

Ply lining for offices

Many of our containers are converted into offices, workshops and welfare units for our clients. Lining and insulation is important for comfortable temperature control and noise reduction in units where people will be working or using for essential facilities (toilets, canteens etc).

Melamine Lining

This is generally used in container conversions, especially those being used for either the storage, serving or preparation of food. Melamine provides an easy-clean, hygienic lining for the whole container, along with the other benefits of lining and insulation (temperature control and noise reduction). For more detail, read our article Melamine Lined Containers