Containers for Fireworks
Fireworks are no longer reserved for 5th November. They have grown in popularity for use in other celebrations, such as New Years Eve and any special private celebrations. But whether your business plans to stock fireworks on a seasonal basis, or all year round, safety regulations for the safe storage of explosives dictates they must be kept in a fully enclosed lockable metal container, such as a shipping container. Shipping containers fulfil all the required conditions set down that
A. Containers for fireworks must be closed and locked away from public access
B. Containers for fireworks must be kept in a storage space exclusively for that purpose, to prevent fire spreading in the event of an accident
C. Containers for fireworks must be robust enough to remain in an effectively safe condition throughout their use for this purpose
A. Containers for fireworks must be closed and locked away from public access
B. Containers for fireworks must be kept in a storage space exclusively for that purpose, to prevent fire spreading in the event of an accident
C. Containers for fireworks must be robust enough to remain in an effectively safe condition throughout their use for this purpose